The Central American apple snails species flagellata is highly variable
in shape (see shell photographs below) and over 30 variations have been described
as separated species in the past. Nowadays all this species are recognized as
one species with 4 subspecies:
Pomacea flagellata flagellata (Say, 1827)
Pomacea flagellata livescens (Reeve, 1856)
Pomacea flagellata erogata (Fisher & Crosse, 1890)
Pomacea flagellata dysoni (Hanley, 1854)
Pomacea flagellata flagellata:
Relatively thick shell with an ovate shape and relatively flat (over 120 angle)
sutures. In some occasions, the sutures are almost absent, resulting in a smooth
The shell lip is often slightly reflected and the umbilicus is narrow and deep.
Size: 53-60 mm wide, 55-62 mm high (only slightly higher then wide).
There are many variations known of this subspecies, mainly variations in the
suture angle.
One of the most stricking features of this snail is the difference between
males and females: while in many apple snail species, the male has a rounder
and wider shell opening (probably to host its large penial
complex), Pomacea flagellata flagellata goes beyond that. The growth
of the male ceases at a certain point and the lip of the shell grows outwards,
creating a large aperture, trumpet like appearance.
Colour: Deep olive-green, reddish brown to nearly black; many thin, dark spiral
bands, sometimes only faint bands or completely absent, highly variable subspecies
Pomacea flagellata livescens:
One of the largest subspecies: 66-88 mm wide, 95-102 mm high. The shell has
globular shape, often as high as width (in the smaller shells). The sutures
are more indented compared with flagellata flagellata subspecies (less than
120), giving this species a more shouldered shell shape.
Pomacea flagellata erogata:
This dwarf subspecies is highly variable in size (28-36 mm wide, 30-40 mm high) and can
mature at almost any size. Specimens of about 2 cm in height have been seen in copulation.
The shell surface of this sub species is often erroded.
Colour: dark olive with series of reddish brown bands which are often visible within the
Pomacea flagellata erogata inhabits swamps and temporary ponds, whereas the
ofther subspecies rather inhabit canals, lakes and rivers.
Pomacea flagellata dysoni:
Not much is known from this rare subspecies.
The strong shell is globular in shape and has a highly polished and malleated (hammered)
Colour: reddish-grey; small dark spiral bands close to the umbilicus; aperture: yellow at
the top to orange at the bottom.
Operculum (of all subspecies): relatively big, dark
and thick; narrow at the top.
Body: Pale grey to dark foot, with black pigmented spots on the upper
side of the body, sometimes almost completely black at the back of the food and the in the
Eggs: Very condensed (packed together without leaving air spaces between
the eggs); pale orange colour.
Food: Yes, they are edible and great if you like escargout but you are probable more interested in their eating habits. These snails eat all types of plants (including Java fern) in
huge amounts at fast speed. In deficiency of food, this species can even act
like predators on other snails and even cannibalism has been observed in total
absense of food. Not suited for planted aquaria.
Behaviour: amphibious animal; submerged during the day, hidden in the vegetation
near the border and the surface or buried in the mud. More active during the
night, also leaves the water in search for fresh vegetation.
Pomacea flagellata flagellata: central Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia (Magdalena drainage area).
Pomacea flagellata livescens: Mexico (Tabasco and Chiapas) and north-east
Guatemala (Pten Lake).
Pomacea flagellata erogata: similar distribution as flagellata flagellata,
inhabits swamps and temporary ponds.
Pomacea flagellata dysoni: Honduras.