Cancer Herb
(Hierba del Cancer)

Costus speciousus

    Family: Euphorbiaccae
    Genus: Acalypha, copperleaf
    Species: Acalypha aryensis
    Common Names: Hierba del gusano, Field copperleaf, gusanillo, gusanito, kill-worm, landslide, kitten, espinosilla, grass of the worm
    Parts Used: leaves, entire plant

Documented Properties
& Actions:
Teas and poltices are used as remedy for chronic skin conditions such as rashes, blisters, skin cancer, peeling skin, deep sores, ulcers, funguses, ringworm, inflamation, itching and burning of the labia in women.
Unknown at this time a b

"Botanical Source.An erect plant, up to 4 feet high; root stock tuberous; stem sub-woody at the base; Leaves ; flowers are oval shaped fuzzy pods. In Guatemala all the year blooms and fructifies.

Source, History, and Preparation.This shrub grows wild in open areas, roadsides in tropical areas.

Central Mexico: Mexico - Oaxaca, Veracruz

SOUTHERN AMERICA Mesoamerica: Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico - Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco; Nicaragua; Panama Caribbean: Dominica; Guadeloupe; Martinique; Trinidad and Tobago Northern South America: French Guiana; Guyana; Suriname; Venezuela Brazil: Brazil Western South America: Bolivia; Colombia; Ecuador - Los Rios, Napo, Sucumbios; Peru - Loreto, San Martin

Chemical Composition.

Unknown at this time

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.

Boil one entire plant in one quart of water for ten minutes,; strain and wash area with very hot infused water three times a day, Leaves may be fried and toasted then passed through a ccreen to make a powder to sprinkle on sores, skin infections, or boils. For stomach complaints or urinary infections, boil one entire plant in three cuups of water for five minutes; drink three cups of warm decoction three times a day (1 cup before each meal), a poltice can also be made with dried powder and applied to skin leisions and open sores.

Belize Dry powdered leaves applied to boils, dermatosis, infections and sores.
Boiled plant for blisters, infection, inflammation, ringworm, sores, and wounds.
Tea is used for stomach and urinary disorders
Guatemala Funguses, dermatosis, bugbites, snake bites and venereal sores,rashes, infection, skin ulcers, burns, blisters, peeling skin, deep sores

Quoted References

United States Department of Agriculture; Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Area; Germplasm Resources Information Network

Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin America By James A. Duke

Dr. Rosita Arvigo, Rainforest Remedies ISBN-13: 9780914955139